My Service
How to get my service
What to consider when making contact

Prices and payment
The hourly rate, what I charge for, and how the person makes a payment.
How to get my service

There are different ways to access my service. These depend on how a person wants to pay for it.

A person can get my service if they have an NDIS Plan with funding for Therapeutic supports (Improved Daily Living) or Behaviour support (Improved Relationships).
No referral is needed and they can contact me directly to make a request. I work with people who have NDIS plans that are Self, Plan, or NDIA managed.
I am not an NDIS registered provider, but I have a subcontract arrangement with an NDIS registered provider called Connectability / Opel. For people with NDIA managed plans, they sign a service agreement with ConnectabilityWA / Opel, and I provide the service. ConnectabilityWA / Opel is a Perth based service, passionate about supporting people to meet their goals. For more information about their services click here: Welcome to connectAbility WA - connectAbility WA

Medicare Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative
If a person doesn't have, or want to use their NDIS funding, they can access up to 10 sessions each year through Medicare.
They will need a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) referral from their Doctor (GP). This means they make a special appointment with their Doctor to discuss their mental health concerns and go through some forms. The Doctor will create a MHTP. The person can then contact me to arrange an initial meeting and send me the MHTP. Medicare will provide a rebate for six sessions. After the initial six sessions, the person may request a review from their Doctor for a further four sessions.

Private Insurance
Many private health insurance companies will cover services to clinical psychologists. The rebate will depend on the company rebate policy and the amount of cover you are insured for. To find out how much rebate you will receive back from your private health fund, you will need to contact them directly and ask how much rebate you will receive for services from a Clinical Psychologist.

If the person wants to discuss these options further, they can contact me directly to talk about what would best suit them. Alternatively, they may prefer someone they trust, to contact me on their behalf. If this is the case, I will check the person has agreed to this and will discuss decision making supports. For more information about consent click here:

Prices and payment

Therapeutic supports
My price is $234.83 per hour, consistent with the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2021-22, item number 15_054_0128_1_3. No GST needs to be paid.
This item number is for the provision to a NDIS participant of Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy, or Training supports, by a Psychologist. These supports are generally funded in the Capacity Building Supports, Improved Daily Living section of an NDIS Plan.
Behaviour support
My price is $234.83, consistent with the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2021-22, item number 11_022_0110_7_3. No GST needs to be paid.
This item number is for provision of Specialist Behavioural Intervention Support. This support is generally funded in the Capacity Building Supports, Improved Relationships section of an NDIS Plan.
My price includes;
Direct service provision, such as direct contact with the person, and relevant others agreed to by the person.
Other activities related to the service, such as preparing relevant documents and resources.

My travel time to meet with the person, and relevant others as agreed, up to a maximum of 30 minutes return.

Cancellations and non-attendance by the person. If the person needs to cancel a meeting, please give me at least two days prior notice. If the person cancels an appointment less than two days prior, or doesn’t show up for a pre-arranged consultation, I will charge at the service fee rate listed above. The total amount charged will be estimated based on the typical length of time for a meeting with that person.

I will create invoices showing service details and costs.
For people who are self-managing their NDIS plan, invoices will be emailed directly to them to claim from NDIS. The person will then pay the invoice by direct deposit into the bank account listed on the invoice.

For people who have a plan manager, invoices will be sent directly to the plan management agency, with a copy to the person. The plan management agency will pay the invoice by direct deposit.
For people who are agency (NDIA) managed, invoices will be paid by NDIA, through Purple Patch Therapy.

Medicare Better Access Initiative
For people with a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) from their Doctor, I will charge the rebate fee directly to Medicare. The person may need to pay a gap fee but this will be worked out on an individual basis and I will discuss this with the person before starting my service.
What to expect
First meeting
People will vary in how they prefer to meet with me. Some people may also want a trusted other to be with them. When I first meet the person, I will talk to them about;
what they would like help with
the ways that I can provide help and their preferences around this, such as where the person prefers me to meet them (e.g. their home, or other familiar place), for how long, and how often
other relevant areas such as how I will keep and share their personal information, my prices and how to pay, and what to do if the person needs to cancel a meeting or isn't happy with something
These initial discussions may last over several sessions. I may also talk with the person's agreed trusted others.
I will offer and discuss written information that outlines these areas and support the person in making a decision about if they would like to continue.
This is a general guide to what I do when I work with a person.

Ongoing meetings
Throughout all my meetings with the person and their trusted others, I will focus on learning and responding to what is important to the person.
I will work together with the person to:
Develop a trusting connection
Create a shared understanding of what to focus on.
Explore, choose, try out, and review supports that relate to the areas of focus.
I will also check in regularly with the person to ask them how I'm doing and if I need to make any changes to better suit their preferences.